Long before superstar Deepika Padukone visited JNU in solidarity with protesting students, there was singer Kishore Kumar who refused to sing for the ruling party during the Emergency. Then there was screen legend Dev Anand, legendary villain Pran, handsome hero Danny Denzongpa who also raised their voices against the censorious ways of the notorious Emergency-era Information & Broadcasting minister, VC Shukla. Bollywood generally sings `main tere pyar mein paagal’ to powerful politicians, but occasionally stars have been known to also sing, ‘sarfaroshi ki tamanna aaj hamaare dil mein hai.’
‘Tukde tukde gang’ is generally used to refer to JNU students, sloganeers, Kashmiris, troublesome academics and journalists. But today, the tukde tukde gang includes a growing list of film personalities too. Apart Read More