The Maharashtra political drama had all the makings of a Bollywood blockbuster. There was drama, suspense, heartache and there were weepy reconciliations. With politicians playing leading roles, Bollywood became poli-wood. Government formation in Maharashtra looked like a filmi chakkar.
In Mumbai, the city of dreams, politics played out like a dream sequence. In movies heroes and heroines run around trees, in Mumbai politicians were seen running around holiday resorts. The famous line in Hindi films, ‘mere paas maa hai’, became ‘mere paas MLA hai’. Dacoit-chief Gabbar Singh in Sholay asked ‘kitne aadmi the?’ The Maha Vikas Aghadi, or NCP-Congress-Shiv Sena alliance, could have replied, ‘169!’
Leading politicians took on important roles. Veteran Sharad Pawar played godfather and also revealed he was a Read More