Whether it’s Urmila Matondkar in Mumbai North West, or Hema Malini in Mathura, or Jaya Prada in Rampur, or Prakash Raaj in Bengaluru Central, or Moon Moon Sen in Asansol or Shatrughan Sinha in Patna Sahib, voters are being encouraged to do some star gazing this poll season. Hema Malini, who was recently photographed harvesting wheat with a sickle and who’s also hoping to harvest a rich crop of votes, is of course a well-established star campaigner – like Moon Moon Sen and Shotgun Sinha. But newer starry faces like Urmila Matondkar have made this election season a tad more Rangeela.
Shatrughan Sinha has abandoned BJP, because on many occasions he has felt compelled to yell, “Khamosh!” when his former party Read More