The story was like a credulity stretching C grade Hindi film. Police were transporting arrested gangster Vikas Dubey in an SUV to Kanpur. The SUV skidded and overturned. Unhurt, a tubby Dubey easily slipped out of the upside down car, smoothly grabbed a pistol from the cops (no, he wasn’t handcuffed), shot at the police, was fired at in retaliation and the gunfight resulted in Dubey’s death.
Uday Deb
In Kanpur, people celebrated the death of the “don”. Policemen were garlanded. Relatives of cops who Dubey had earlier slain said they felt a sense of “solace”. Amid the cheering, there was little space to ask questions of an ‘encounter’ that reeked of a set up. Civil society was celebratory and the state Read More