Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal resurfaced after months of hibernation to call on superstar Kamal Haasan to declare their joint resolve to fight corruption and communalism. Clearly, the Aam Aadmi has acquired some filmi chakkar. Kejriwal is known to be allergic to kamal ka phool but is a different kamal set to bloom south of the Vindhyas? Kamal Haasan has played so many different roles, a neta may not be difficult. In MGR and Jayalalithaa’s land, movie actors generally deliver political super hits. Kejriwal may be hoping that Kamal Haasan doesn’t play Chachi 420 with him, and Kamal must be hoping that Kejriwal’s friendship is not just a photo-op but a case of ek duuje ke liye.
There seems to be Read More