The journeys are startling, unprecedented. Mahesh Jena, 20, cycled 1,700 km from Maharashtra to his home in Odisha. Ranveer Singh walked 200 km from Delhi only to collapse and perish on the highway. 24-year-old Kallibai Kevat, heavily pregnant, walked 500 km from Mathura in UP to Panna in MP, and gave birth when she arrived home, famished and exhausted. 12-year-old Jamlo Makdam, her parents’ only child, walked over 100 km from Telangana towards Chhattisgarh, but died from exhaustion before reaching home.
Thousands are walking on India’s scorching highways, hungry, jobless and dog tired. Their children toil behind them. India’s brutal social and economic inequalities are suddenly being glaringly revealed, every day in news headlines.
For too long Mahesh, Ranveer, Kalli and Jamlo Read More